Sister Betty Carpentier, OSU

December 21, 1930 – March 18, 2022
Sister Betty Carpentier, OSU, also known as Mother Adrian, died peacefully March 18, 2022, at St. Andrew’s at Francis Place in Eureka, Missouri.
The daughter of John R. and Alice Wallhermfechtel Carpentier, she was born Dec. 21, 1930, in Webster Groves, Missouri. She entered the Ursuline community on July 15, 1948, and professed her vows on Jan. 16, 1951. She earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the College of New Rochelle and both master’s and doctoral degrees in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame.
She spent many years of her education ministry in Springfield, Illinois, teaching at St. Aloysius School from 1954-57 and at Springfield College from 1967-68 and from 1981-88, when she was also registrar.
Sister Betty also taught at Corpus Christi High School in Jennings, Missouri., from 1957-64; was principal of Ursuline Academy in San Antonio from 1975-78, and taught at St. Teresa High School in Decatur, Illinois, from 1978-81.
She served as an office assistant at the Ursuline Generalate in Rome, Italy, from 1988-96. She also was a trained massage therapist and practiced in Alton, Illinois, from 2005-14.
Sister Betty was known for her brilliant mind and her passion about justice issues. She was active in many social justice groups.
In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her six siblings: Eugenia Carpentier Klarsch, Helen Carpentier Overkamp, Mary Carpentier Mittler, John H. Carpentier, Richard A. Carpentier and William A. Carpentier.
A funeral Mass was celebrated March 24 at St. Peter Church in Kirkwood, Missouri., followed by burial at St. Peter Cemetery.