Sister Rosemary Meiman, OSU

February 4, 1929 – July 11, 2019
Sister Rosemary Meiman, OSU, died suddenly July 11, 2019, in Great Falls, Montana, where she was presenting a program on the Ursuline Indian Missions.
The daughter of Joseph Henry and Margaret Howell Meiman, she was born Mary Elizabeth on Feb. 4, 1929, in Covington, Kentucky. She graduated from Ursuline Academy in New Orleans and entered the Ursuline Sisters in 1946, making her vows in 1949.
Sister Rosemary earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the College of New Rochelle in New York and a master’s degree in education from St. Louis University. A lifelong educator, she served five decades as a teacher and principal in schools in Missouri, Illinois and Minnesota. She also served on the Central Province leadership team.
She retired from teaching in 1997 and then served as Central Province archivist for 17 years. Upon her retirement from that ministry in 2014, she moved to New Orleans, where she promptly undertook new responsibilities in the Ursuline archives and museum there. In recent years she also led a group to the Ursuline Indian Missions in Great Falls for a weeklong program each summer. At age 90, and having celebrated her 70th jubilee earlier this year, Sister Rosemary died “with her boots on,” which is exactly how she would have wanted it.
A funeral Mass was celebrated July 20, 2019, at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor in New Orleans.